about me
My Story
As a healer and Shiatsu therapist, I use a variety of healing techniques to help and improve health and well-being in everyday life.
The accupre, can alleviate a variety of physical pains, fatigue, burn-out and help manage emotions. By combining physical, holistic and energetic approaches, I can deliver benefits for both body and mind. This holistic approach helps to remove emotional blocks and break repetitive patterns. After training at the Iokai School of Shiatsu between Amsterdam and Paris, I specialized with Suzanne Yates of WellMother in the treatment of disorders linked to the female cycle and fertility. I have also developed my own technique to help women achieve fertility and improve their feminine well-being.
My approach
In general, through my practice I work on the identification of problems thanks to the messages of the soul and the body. I use shiatsu techniques to contribute to a deep energetic cleansing.
My method consists in helping to move forward on all problems such as:
All forms of trauma, abuse, violence, burnout, severe fatigue, repetitive patterns, anxiety, heartache, accidents and all physical problems.
These treatments are also intended to work on healing the heart, which is often the driving force behind healing.
My specialization with Well Mother allowed me to address the more specific issues of the female cycle, fertility and menopause through the approach of Chinese medicine and marvelous vessels. This technique makes it possible to respond through specific acupressure points to many problems of the cycle such as: Endometriosis, PCOS, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, amenorrhea, menorrhagia and fertility….
The combination with the reading of the blockages of the soul allows a complete approach to the problems encountered in order to relieve the problems.